Friday 2 September 2011

New Stuff

My first official make for Delicious Doodles as part of Teri's new DT.
This week the challenge is for people to make use of the new stash/techniques aquired. This is to co-incide with the new season that is upon us and the new DT that Teri has gathered together during the "summer". We haven't had much of a summer here in Scotland, infact, I can count on one hand the number of days that reached as high as 20c in this corner.

My project is made using a new canvas for me - dominos and two new images (for me).

Using the image Tattoos and Feathers

and using Medusa's Daughter

For both dominos, I started off by drilling the holes with a small bit. Then applied alcohol inks in the colours I wanted. Then, after colouring the images with promarkers and fussy cutting out, applied with a small amount of glossy accents to secure. Some bent wire was added behind Medusa's Daughter to simulate another couple of snakes and for balance an inchy stamp using stazon for background interest on the other. Glossy accents used to coat both dominos. Some tiny watch parts added to the Tattoos and Feathers to match the steam punk look of her.
The findings for making both of these into jewellery are still in the post unfortunately. So cannot show fully finished yet.

Please don't forget to go visit all the other DT blogs and see their amazing projects using their new stuff. Then will be your turn to show us yours and be in with the chance of winning five images from the Delicious Doodles shop.


  1. there so pretty and shinny! wonderful job!

  2. Oh wow these are AMAZING. In July I bought 2 back of dominos in a car bootie for the same reason just didn't have time yet to start it lol Welcome to the team

  3. These are awesome Anne... I love the idea and might have to CASE it from you!

  4. These are AMAZING!!! I had to come over and tell you directly how absolutely fabulous they are. I just loooooooooooooooooooooove them!!!!

  5. Stunningly AWESOME. I absolutely love these. :-)
    Ike xxx
