Friday 6 July 2012

summer ? - ha ha

Yes, it is supposed to be summer and we're a couple of weeks into the season. How many minutes have we seen the fiery orb? Count on one hand here in Scotland. As I sit here posting this card for Delicious Doodles, the rain is still falling and we even had to put the heating on last night.
Anyway, the last challenge before our summer break is designed to bring the summer in even if the sun isn't shining where you are. We are saying Au Revoir to two of our fab DT this week (boo hoo). They are moving onto other things and I wish them every success and happiness. Please go leave them some love.

Challenge #23
Summer Holidays

Get out your summery stuff folks! We may be having weird weather lately, but it IS summertime officially! Anything summery will do, whether it is images, themes, memories or colours.

I have used Teri's new image Thorne. Coloured in summery colours of reds, yellows and oranges with promarkers then matted onto some orange card.

I have used two papers from the DCWV citrus stack and a piece of dry embossed red card following the sketch over at Crafting Life's Pieces. A red flourish, heat embossed, on the yellow square behind the image and some more flourishes die-cut from the off-cuts of the base paper.
Some yellow and little orange flowers held together with black brads to match the hair adornment and some pearls finish this card off.

That concludes my card for this challenge.

I would like to enter this card into one or two challenges

Crafting Life's Pieces - Their Sketch


  1. Gorgeous new image and fab summery colors. We're finally warming up a bit here, but it sure hasn't felt like summer. xxD

  2. Ooooh - scrummy gorgeous - the colours are awesome. She is one firey hot chick. Lovely card :-) xxxxxxxxxx

  3. very pretty card, beautiful colours and the colouring is awesome

  4. Wow now here is a color combo I don't ever use cuz it scares me. LOL! You pulled it off beautifully!! That image is really pretty and great coloring too! Thanks for joining us at CLP this month! Hugs!
