Before I know it, 2 weeks have flown by and I've not been here. I've not been idle and have crafted a few things. Mostly in my role as a DT member of The Stampin' Dymonz Scrap Shack.
I have made things I never knew I could, a few cards but above all, loved every minute.
Tomorrow we're having a DT hop, so thought I'd better have a minute or two here and show one or two things that we're doing over at The Village.
The first thing I want to show is the cover of the Art Journal I've finally gotten round to putting together. Instead of slipping the pages into an old scrap book, I have made a purpose built album.
Covered with black jersey fabric with thin chip board pieces that have all been triple heat embossed.

Here's a closeup of the sign,

Last thing I made was because I was challenged to.
The mixed media group were challenged to decorate a letter. Now most have access to a crafty type shop that sell ready made letters. Be they wood, chipboard or paper mache. Not so here in this corner of Scotland. Next opportunity to go buy one would be in a couple of weeks. Make from scratch was my challenge. So I did.
"C" cut from 3mm chipboard, 3 times. sticking the layers together and again, making my own stencil.

All the items on the front were from stash, the larger flower at the bottom was hand made.
The images on the back are from a collection of inchie stamps.
Yes Helen you rock. Love them both.