Monday 28 July 2014

Deja-Vu Doo with HDH

Long time, no see. My crafting mojo has been away on it's hols for a while and not a lot of projects have made it to completion, unfortunately. One project that did get completed is this altered book box. - well I did have 6 originally in my stash to work on. Two more, smaller, to go.
This one is for the challenge that started over at Haunted Design House today.

Deja-Vu Doo
The idea for this theme is to reuse a previous image, technique, paper, etc... that you have used recently, but in a new way.
My images are created using rubber stamps from the Smeared Ink "Nevermore" collection and a technique as described by Sheena Douglass using gesso and acrylic paint. See here for full instructions.

The images of Mr Poe, skull and the heart before attaching to the box. Pan pastels used to add an aged patina to the skull before applying gilding wax to the raised portions. The same gilding wax used for Mr Poe. The heart was given a red blood glistening effect using perfect pearls. The raven was coloured using perfect pearls.

The entire box was painted with black acrylic paint and the heart resides inside

 The outside of the box was then coated with decoart "weathered wood" before a coat of copper acrylic paint that has gold pan pastel added to it. This subtly changed the copper colour to old gold. Some areas were given a helping hand in the ageing process using that age old tool - my fingers. Rubbing some of the paint off when still tacky. 

The images all adhered using silicon glue. Some black pearls glued on. The silver cross was also given an aged look using pan pastels.

The challenge is on for the next two weeks - in what way will you use your stash in a different way?
Come show us over at Haunted Design House. Let's make the best use of our crafty bits and get more mileage out of it by using in a different way. Don't forget to check out the awesome projects made by the other minions for more inspiration.

Thanks for looking, hope to see you soon

Tuesday 15 July 2014

They're Coming To take Us Away...........

......... Ha ha, he he
They're coming to take us away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa

 Alien Abduction/Invasion

The funny farm would shake their head if I were to be removed to that place I'm sure.
The thought processes that come out of my head make ME wonder occasionally. Then, when The Haunted Design House challenge of this fortnight was drawing close, I had to engage that part of my brain that spewed out creativity. Hubs, bless his cotton socks, always asks if he can throw "this" out. "This" being an outside light fixture today. Just the thing popped up and out of the grey cell that I have tried to keep alive.
Armed with acrylic paint, glass paint, a couple of rubber stamps - Paper Artsy and Smeared Ink, ink and card, teamed with a few bits of wire, glow in the dark mod-podge and some UTEE, my spaceship came into being. As an added "bonus" I installed some battery operated LED lights inside - a "real" spaceship night light.?
 my Alien

 By day

 in the dark with the internal lights on

top view

The glyphs were handpainted on using Maynov's Glyph Collection (public domain)

The Blog gives a few ideas to help tickle your grey cells into activity as well as some fantastic pieces from my fellow teamies.Get along over there and take a peek ......
then come show us what you came up with.

I'd like to enter my altered light fitting into the challenges at
Anything But a Card - Anything Goes
Craft My Life - Anything But a Card
My Craft Creations - Anything Goes

Tuesday 8 July 2014

A Little Bit Eerie

It's "my week" to make a little something for the Haunted Design House challenge. Due to being a bit under the weather it was a tad late. Better late than never?
I made a mixed media canvas. Looking at the works of those mega-multi talented teamies of mine, Donna and Glo, we all read the white on white memo.
I went with an icy cold theme using Rick St Dennis' Jack Frost image.
Coloured with promarkers to begin with.

Then torn out of it's card surroundings and given a liberal coating of Rock Candy Crackle glaze.
While that was drying I added bits of tulle, lace and muslin to a white gesso covered canvas with gel medium.
A few bits of silver wire added under and over the image. Then more torn tulle - as if the image is hiding behind a curtain. Finally a border of ice in the form of some bling.

I hope you come join us with your interpretation of "Eerie Inspiration" and let us feast ourselves on your eye candy.

I'd like to enter this canvas into the challenge at
A Step in the Dark - Dark Fantasy/Anything Goes
Everybody Art - Monochrome
Just Inspirational - Anything but a card