What would you do for your best friend? Apart from the normal things like be there in a crisis, tell them they look a million dollars and mean it, ..... the list goes on........ make cards in
PINK !!!!! She knew I would, only 'cos it's The Duck.
To cut a long story short.... my best friend Karen has started up on her own, filling a hole in the market, at least up here in Scotland. Making up a kit, which will be sent monthly, for making cards. Sourcing some gorgeous papers, card stock and various embellishments and the plastic sleeves to store in or for selling on. Each kit is all colour co-ordinated to take away that dilemma many have. "Make me some cards up please" says she. "Of course I will" says me. The package arrives .....luckily she'd had the forsight to put the contents in a plastic bag because the postie left it on the doorstep, and of course it rained, contents safe and dry. I open it up eagerly .......
PINK !!!! Well alot is. There are other colours of course but my brain only saw
PINK at first. So the challenge was set. Link over on the left to see the kit supplied in full.
I've done 6 cards so far from the 9 blanks sent. Using only my trusty double sided tape and a bit of silicon glue I set to work. OK - I used some of my own brads and images as well but essentially the cards are made using only the supply sent. There's still loads left to do the other 3 but the camera is running short on battery power so they will have to wait. Some of the cards I am also entering into a couple of challenges.
The Tellen's Place, Skullflame, into
Haunted Design House #048 - Wayward words
The Pink Kitty and birthday birds into
CDAC challenges