Sunday 10 July 2011

Xtremely Xhaustive

Make a something with something that goes ooooonnnnnn and oooooonnnnnn.
The original idea was from Barb over at Haunted Design House with a little mini book kit that was in a blog win last year. This is the full sized version of the meander mini. A full 12" sheet of CS made into a 3" square mini.

Trust me to start something on saturday and have to go to work on sunday. These pics are as far as I got before time dictated I should blog it.

Cover is from papers at Crafty Chaos.
Chain, eyelets, charms all from stash. The 2mm pearls from Pizzaz Aplenty.

The little roses are homemade from ribbon.

Inside this, some more chain and two images masked and stamped. I know the elf lady is Third Coast but unsure on the man behind the screen. These were both coloured with promarkers.

Inside back cover is a couple of images from Delicious Doodles, coloured with DIs

The spiders' web paper will be continued to the other pages as this is yet another thing in nature that is "very, very long". Plus it will fit in with my theme of "binding chains"

I am entering this incomplete (for the moment) item into the challenge over at
Haunted Design House #96 - Xtremely Xhaustive


  1. Helen what a great project love the images and the charms brilliant
    Jacki xx

  2. Oh WOW Helen, this is just luscious! I love love love everything you've done so far, and this way you can make different pages to fit future challenges and show us the progress as complete it :D
    As always, thanks for playing along with us at HDH :D

  3. Unfinished you say?! It is gorgeous in it's current form! Can't wait to see more.
    Thanks for sharing this with us at HDH this week!

  4. I can certainly fall in love with this mini, Helen; it's gorgeous. A full sheet eh? Very clever. Love your dark images and the chains...a very nice effect! Works well with chains that bind!

  5. WOW, this is one gorgeous creation, Helen! Lovin' the chains and charms and the images rock. Can't wait to see more. Thanks for joining us again this week at HDH. xxD

  6. What a little beauty this is and will be even more I hear wow. Can't wait to see it finished if this is it now! Superb x

  7. Girl, did I not tell you that you are the Queen of the dark, this mini is wonderful love that front cover.
