Wednesday 31 October 2012

Morning Peoples day 31 has arrived

Morning peoples. HAPPY HALLOWE'EN / SAMHAIN to you all.

We made it!!! Last day of this marathon organised by the Smeared & Smudged Forum for the 4th year running. How many are still with us? I know that there have been a few drop out for many reasons. Such a shame.
For all the rules the forum and Terra's blog are the best places to get the info. Including that of all the fantastic sponsors that have been lined up. There is a list still over on the right hand side bar of my blog should you find your self lost. What celebration would it be without the pumpkin? That modern day symbol of fertility and to scare the evil nasties away.
I used Evil Skully from Delicious Doodles as my template for this pumpkin. I have another to carve - but wanted to get this post up before taking son to the dentist.
The dark isn't dark enough at the moment to get a true piccy of the true effect. Forgot to take it last night.
You get the idea though?

I also made a couple more candles
Using stamps from Tattered Angels onto tissue paper.

That's me done for this 31 days. Just need to finish decorating.

Valerie is the very talented lady you will, no doubt have visited before me, and now is the turn of the beautiful blog of Sharon.

Thank you all for every single visit and comment this last month. I don't know if I could have done this without your encouragement.

Same time next year?

I managed to get a pic tonight of my gourd.

I'd Like to enter this into the challenge at

The Cupboard Trilogy - Halloween/Autumn


  1. Fantastic offerings and I echo your comments. Thanks to everyone this has been a blast. Thank you for sharing all the work you did during the past month, it was inspirational and gave me some good ideas. Thank you for the fun and I hope you will visit my blog again as I will be visiting yours.

  2. Congrads on finishing the 31 days and for some amazing projects! Well done you!

  3. This is just flabbergasting - wonderful idea and great execution! It looks so hard to sculpt one of these! I love it!

  4. Love your pumpkin and candles they are fantastic. I have loved seeing your projects this 31 Days xxx

  5. That pumpkin is ACe and love your candles too x

  6. Great carving, Hel! I didn't know you were able to get real pumpkins across the pond. It looks fab and I can't wait to see it lit after dark! Awesome candles too :) Your candles always rock! Thanks for all the inspiration over the last 31 days of Halloween and congratulations on being able to finish the hop!

  7. Another great project.
    I really had fun hopping around and looking at all the wonderful creations.
    Thanks for sharing your art with us.

  8. wow you did some great carving that pumpkin looks awesome
    love the candles too, thanks for all the great projects you shared on the 31 days, you rock

  9. Helen,
    Your Gourd is trippy COOL! How awesome you used a digi for that! Your so cleaver. I love your spider candles too! Most terrific job! I have really enjoyed looking at your art all month! Thank you for sharing with us all, for 31 days! Happy Halloween!

  10. what a cool pumpkin! Love it! And the candles are fabulous. Great stuff all month!

  11. Awesome! This pumpkin is just the coolest thing ever, love the candles too, just so brilliant
    Lindsay xx

  12. Love your pumpkin! And your candles! It's been wonderful following you for the hop and will continue to follow!

  13. Fab pumpkin, looks super cool all lit up and glowing! Your spider candles are terrific! Happy Halloween.

  14. sorry I didn't find time to post on all your makes, I did stop by every day to ave a look though and I have loved your work we very day. your pumpkin totally rocks, and I love those candles. thanks you for all the inspiration this month. love n hugs xxxxx

  15. helen, you've tuly been a sourse of inspiration all month. so happy to be on the HDH team with you. Fabulous work, all around. Love the pumpkin and I"m still hoping to make a candle one day xxD

  16. Fantastic projects Crom, that pumpkin is brilliant
    Thank you for joining us over on The Cupboard Trilogy challenges & good luck
    Jane xx

  17. Great pumpkin! Thanks for taking part in The Cupboard Trilogy challenge xx

    Lesley (DT)

  18. Wow another fab project, that pumpkin carving is just awesome, scary too ;)

    Thanks for sharing and joining in with our challenge over at The Cupboard Trilogy Blog

    Jak (TCT DT) xox
