Friday 7 February 2014

Love is in the Air

Just one more week and that day that the romantics among us look forward to will be upon us.  I must admit,  I am not one of those souls but, hubby is. Me? I think it is just an excuse for those florists to put up their prices and card companies seem to forget there are February birthdays as the shelves are bowing under the weight of over-priced cards for those wanting to declare their adoration to another. So a simple card from me. I am not without feeling and a card will be expected, especially as I do make one or two.
This week it is Team A's turn over at Delicious Doodles' Challenges to host. The theme is
LOVE (Good or Bad)
I thought I'd bring out some of the older images that Teri has drawn for a change and made an easel card.
Made from an ordinary 5" square card blank with an extra fold - simple.
 The base was painted first with "radiant rains" "egyptian gold" and "persimmon" then a light dusting of black DI. A text stamp using stazon stamped on the "front".
The images are all from Delicious Doodles of course. The Swirly Heart Square FrameSwirly Heart Corner Set and Swirly Heart

 The standing panel was attached to a piece of coredinations cardstock before attaching with shaker tape.
The stops are formed from paper mache shaped using a fondant mould then painted with more of the radiant rains paint.
Now that you've looked at mine - go check out the rest of my teamies projects - they are just gorgeous. Then get that project made and linked up so we can come and admire.

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