Friday 7 March 2014

Left Of Centre Birthday Hop with Delicious Doodles

My second post of today is because the challenge blog "Left Of Centre" is now one year old and has decided to mark the occasion with a ginormous Birthday Hop. If you've never heard of this fabulous group - why not? Left of Centre tends towards the "darker side" - alternative - and never cute. Just my kind of thing - as if you'd not guessed that by now. They have some amazing sponsors lined up and for full deets you'll have to go and look for yourself HERE.
I did mention that today I'm having a Delicious Doodles day and it's with this hat on that I am GDT on the birthday bash as Delicious Doodles is just one of the amazing sponsors.
I made a birthday card - well it seemed apt as the first day of a birthday bash.

I have used a number of images all available from the Shop
There's Creepy Gargoyle perched over
the Gothic Church window (also printed onto acetate for the windows)
with The Watcher behind the window
All coloured with distress inks
The corners sport the Gargoyle Corner set

Excuse the intended pun with the CAW (cor) These are letters made using a mould and paper clay then coloured with more distress inks

 Close up of the computer generated front sentiment

 Yes the inside is decorated as well

The Gargoyle Frame surrounds the inside computer generated sentiment


  1. I think this is brilliant Helen. I love all the digi elements you have pulled together to make the scene. All the images are gorgeous and I love the hints of colour in your window. Looks perfect inside and out.

    Thank you so much for your support of Left of Centre, and agreeing to be a GDT... Your brilliant with the dark craft :-)

    <3 & hugs
    Lisa xxxx LOC DT Member

  2. Super-cool project Helen! Love the whole thing and the inside too - my pet bugbear is the inside is ignored!
    Love it!
    Eiglas (LOC DT)

  3. Absolutely AWESOME !!!

    IKE xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Fabulous! I love it!
    Linda xxx

  5. Thank you so much for doing this for us Helen! We really appreciate your support at LOC! And Dont forget to enter the challenge too! Thank you! mo xxx

  6. Oh Helen, this is fabulous, how do you manage to merge different images? xxx

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